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New start page and content structure

The Paul Scherrer Institute is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland.

Its content is aimed at society, business and science. Very different target groups with different information needs. This could not be properly conveyed via the old homepage. It was text-heavy and confusing.

This has now been changed with a new content structure, a new access concept and a fresh start page. A quick win with a big impact.



Development of personas and user scenarios based on existing data and in workshops with relevant stakeholders

Paul Scherrer Institute – Information Architecture

Content Review der aktuellen Website und Entwicklung einer neuen Informationsarchitektur. Sie unterscheidet neu zwischen den Inhalten zur Präsentation des PSI, die die breite Öffentlichkeit interessieren und den Inhalten für Forschende und Nutzende der Anlagen

Paul Scherrer Institute – Wireframes
Paul Scherrer Institute – UI Design

Entwicklung des Zugangs- und Navigationskonzepts und eines neuen Look & Feel für die Startseite und die Einstiegsseite in den Research Bereich

Accompanying the technical realisation

Paul Scherrer Institute – New homepage
Paul Scherrer Institut – Themen


The new homepage of the Paul Scherrer Institute welcomes the user with current topics from research that are of general interest. Instead of a desert of text, large images with teaser elements now take centre stage. 


There is now a clear distinction between content for the general public and industry on the one hand and science on the other. 


The topics relevant to the public are presented attractively on the homepage and are always up to date.

Project period: October 2020 - January 2021

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